DTFT and FT of 2 Sinusoids.

Cuthbert Nyack
The applet below shows the Discrete Time and Continuous Time Frequency Transforms of a function f(t) = (0.6 * sin(w1t) + 1.4 * sin(w2t))/2.
Eg parameters:-
(3.0, 8.0, 1.81, 12.07, 50, NA, 50, 10.0, 0.4), for frequencies up to ws the spectra of both the CTFT and the DTFT has components at 3rad/s and 8rad/s. The DTFT also has frequencies at 22rad/s and 27rad/s.
Increasing w2 to 16rad/s shows the CTFT has lines at 3 and 16rad/s while the DTFT has lines at 3, 14, 16 and 27rad/s. Between 0 and ws/2 the DTFT has lines at 3 and 14rad/s. This is an example of Aliasing.
Increasing w2 to 29rad/s shows the CTFT has lines at 3 and 29rad/s while the DTFT has lines at 1, 3, 27 and 29rad/s. Between 0 and ws/2 the DTFT has lines at 1 and 3rad/s. Another example of Aliasing.

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