High Pass Equiripple FIR Filter.

Cuthbert Nyack
In this applet a high pass equiripple filter for small number of extrema can be derived. The applet has the same interpretation as the low pass applet.

The image below shows the filter obtained with the applet's starting parameters.
In the case below, the pass and stop band edges are kept the same but the number of extrema in the pass band is increased from 8 to 12 and in the stop band from 11 to 15. The stop attenuation has increased from 65dB to 83dB.
In the case below, the transition region is reduced from 0.08 to 0.04. The number of extrema in the pass band is increased from 8 to 17 and in the stop band from 11 to 21. The stop band attenuation is now 67dB.

Here the filter has 105 taps, a transition bandwidth of 0.035 and a stop band attenuation of 79dB. The impulse response can be read easier by reducing eG.

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