Low Pass FIR Filter, Comparison of Kaiser and Hamming/Blackman/Blackman-Harris Windows.

Cuthbert Nyack
How does the performance of the Kaiser window perform with respect to transition bandwidth and stop band attenuation with the Hamming, Blackman and Blackman-Harris window.

Fn = 0/1/2 compares the Dolph-Chebyshev with the Hamming/Blackman/Blackman-Harris window.
The window functions, impulse response and frequency response of LP filters using the 2 windows are compared in the following applet.
The following is for comparing the transition band:stop band attenuation.
eg parameters (91, 0.15, 1.67:1.6, 0.5, 0, -54, -57, 200, 249, 2) compares the Kaiser with the Hamming window.
eg parameters (91, 0.15, 2.8:2.37, 0.5, 1, -75, -87, 192, 269, 2) compares the Kaiser with the Blackman window.
eg parameters (91, 0.15, 3.83:3.51, 0.5, 2, -109, -118, 185, 284, 2) compares the Kaiser with the Blackman-Harris window.
Since the value of q required for the same stop band attenuation is less than the value required for fitting the transition band, it also means that for the same stop band attenuation, the Kaiser window gives a narrower transition bandwidth than either of the 3 windows used here.

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