Z Transform Comb Filter

Cuthbert Nyack
A comb filter is one which has poles linearly spaced around a circle with radius close to but less than 1. The transfer function is shown below. Here the poles are on a circle of radius r.
The transfer function also has zeros at the origin as seen from the second form of the equation above.
In the applet below the gray curve above the magenta lines show the response between 0 and ½ ws while the gray curve above the green lines show the response between ½ ws and ws. Orange lines show the phase variation. White disc shows the unit circle, black line is the real z axis and orange line is the imaginary z axis. Pole is shown by the "x" and the zero by an "o". When the "Theta" parameter is zero the view is along the imaginary axis from the top. -90° corresponds to a view along the real z axis from the left and +90° represents a view along the real z axis from the right.
The filter does have a "comb" shaped response with several peaks linearly spaced around a circle with radius slightly less than 1. This filter and its variants can be used for audio and video applications.

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